Our Gapping Services


£60 - 60 mins

Do you ever stand at the 150 post and think “I’m really not sure what to hit here”?

In our gapping sessions we go through every club in your bag to establish exactly where you should be hitting each club from on the course.

We will not only look at your averages with each club, but also your best yardage with each club, and discuss on course strategies in terms of approach play, taking into consideration things like pin locations, hazard locations, and not leaving yourself short sided. Our gapping sessions are not just about discovering how far you hit your clubs, but just like all of our other services we take a deep dive into how that can be applied in the real world to help you play better golf and bring your handicap down. After each session we will provide you with a full report of your yardages and ball flights as shown in the picture and set you on your way to being more confident out on the course and shooting lower scores.

Loft & Lie Gapping

 £90 - 90 mins

Are all of you gaps between your current clubs correct? Do you find that they start to bunch up at the top or bottom of your bag?

In our loft and lie gapping session we check that every gap between your clubs is correct, and if it isn’t, then we will alter the lofts to create the correct gapping. We can also alter adjustable woods and hybrids to fit your gapping and delivery to ensure we are optimising your entire bag.

We will also check your dynamic lie angle using our GC Quad. This will tell us whether you are dynamically toe up or toe down at the moment of impact, we will then alter this to reduce your consistent miss. We can also alter your lie angles progressively, for example, if you miss your long irons to the right then we can make these more upright, but if you miss you short irons left, or even hit them straight, we can leave these standard or even go slightly flat.

Gapping Process Video

By booking a Gapping session with us you will find out the exact distances you hit each of your current clubs. Using the latest Foresight GC Quad technology we will track your average numbers and longest distances, so you know exactly how each club performs.

Ross explains what we go through in the YouTube video below, so why not give it a watch?